I have created a custom form in the backend and it is working fine for single image browse. If I select only one image then it is working fine. My requirement is, I want to select multiple images with the browse button. If there is any alternate solution then please let me know also.

enter image description here


2 Answers 2


If your form is rendering from UI form component then using isMultipleFiles option you can Defines whether multiple files can be uploaded.

For more reference go through Magento Devdocs

I hope it helps!


if you use magento fileuploader UI componet then you need to set isMultipleFiles option value true.it's ddefault vlaue false,for more details please visit the magento devdocs link https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.4/ui_comp_guide/components/ui-fileuploader.html

hope it will help you.

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