I am creating a module for a 3rd party rating for Magento. I only need the rates to show in the cart checkout and there is no label creation, tracking, pickup, etc for this carrier. It will send out an XML request as a post through the HTTP/ClientFactory then parse the response to show the rates returned.

My question is, is there a requirement for this to extend AbstractCarrierOnline, like UPS, USPS, and FedEx do, or can I leave it as extending AbstractCarrier? I currently have it is working as an AbstractCarrier but when I've tried to convert it to AbstractCarrierOnline, it constructs it just fine but never hits the collectRates() method and I don't see any errors anywhere and just says that it is not available. The one main downside I can see is that the Online includes the set and get for CachedQuotes.

  • Not sure what I was missing but it is working now. Just completely got the Offline carrier working and copied code over and not the Online carrier works.
    – Damon
    Commented May 16, 2018 at 21:39

1 Answer 1


You don't need to set shipping module to Online Shipping module, cause You don't need to get (API or etc) rates. Also, your module does not provide a tracking number. It's simply Offline shipping.

The Magento_OfflineShipping module implements the shipping methods which do not involve a direct interaction with shipping carriers, so called offline shipping methods.

Reference: MagentoDocs

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