We have recently noticed that two new sort options have appeared in our Sort By field. The options are "Discontinued Product" and "Product Name". I cannot find where in the code base these options would have been populated. Does anyone have a lead on how or where I can locate the origins of those two Sort By options?
Front end code from Inspector:
<div class="toolbar-sorter sorter">
<label class="sorter-label" for="sorter">Sort By</label>
<select id="sorter" data-role="sorter" class="sorter-options">
<option value="position">
Featured </option>
<option value="name">
Product Name </option>
<option value="price" selected="selected">
Price </option>
<option value="product_brand">
Brand </option>
<option value="product_discontinued">
Discontinued Product </option>
<a title="High to Low" href="#" class="action sorter-action sort-desc" data-role="direction-switcher" data-value="asc">
<span>High to Low</span>