I would like to call the existing authentication modal popup built into Magento 2 from a custom module. It must already be in the body somewhere since it can readily be called by clicking the checkout button when not logged in (guest checkout is disabled).
I found this javascript code in my source,
* Copyright © 2015 Magento. All rights reserved.
* See COPYING.txt for license details.
/*jshint browser:true jquery:true*/
/*global alert*/
function($, ko, Component, loginAction, customerData, authenticationPopup, $t, url, alert) {
'use strict';
return Component.extend({
registerUrl: window.authenticationPopup.customerRegisterUrl,
forgotPasswordUrl: window.authenticationPopup.customerForgotPasswordUrl,
autocomplete: window.checkout.autocomplete,
modalWindow: null,
isLoading: ko.observable(false),
defaults: {
template: 'Magento_Customer/authentication-popup'
initialize: function() {
var self = this;
loginAction.registerLoginCallback(function() {
/** Init popup login window */
setModalElement: function (element) {
if (authenticationPopup.modalWindow == null) {
/** Is login form enabled for current customer */
isActive: function() {
var customer = customerData.get('customer');
return customer() == false;
/** Show login popup window */
showModal: function() {
if (this.modalWindow) {
} else {
content: $t('Guest checkout is disabled.')
/** Provide login action */
login: function(loginForm) {
var loginData = {},
formDataArray = $(loginForm).serializeArray();
formDataArray.forEach(function (entry) {
loginData[entry.name] = entry.value;
&& $(loginForm).validation('isValid')
) {
loginAction(loginData, null, false);
Then tried to call it from a link in my custom.phml file:
<p><a onClick="openLoginPopup()" href="javascript:void(0);">Log in</a> or <a onClick="openLoginPopup()" href="javascript:void(0);">create an account</a> for additional features.</p>
This just gave me an error that top wasn't defined. How can I call this popup from a custom module?