I know many people have asked this question before, but I've tried every combination I can find and I'm not succeeding, so I need some advice in case I am missing something out.
I'm trying to add the contents of a PHTML file to a CMS Block in Magento (V2.2.1)
The theme is called Infortis/ultimo
I've made a child theme Infortis-child/ultimo
I've tried the following combinations in the CMS Block
{{block class="Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template" template="Infortis_ultimo::custombox.phtml"}}
{{block class="Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template" template="Infortis-child_ultimo::custombox.phtml"}}
{{block class="Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template" template="Vendor_customboxmaker::custombox.phtml"}}
{{block class="Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template" template="customboxmaker::custombox.phtml"}}
I've added the custombox.phtml to the following locations and none of them are loading the content into the CMS Block.
Please can somebody confirm what I need to add to the CMS Block and the exact path location of the custombox.phtml file?
Do I need to add anything to the /app/design/Infortis-child/ultimo/etc/local.xml file as none of the examples I've found so far have indicated this is required?
Thank you