Developer Mode: Waiting TTFB => 121ms
Production Mode: Waiting TTFB => 224ms
(It's the first html that loads, the page) It's that delay I feel when browsing.
While using Magento 2.2.1, page load is 200ms slower in production mode than developer mode.
In developer mode, the website feels also faster, which is weard.
Using Chrome DevTools Dom Content Load is 624ms on dev vs it is 830ms on prod. In addition, the total loading time is 1.44sec on dev and 1.6-1.7sec on prod.
Any idea why this happens?
I have enabled minification of CSS and javascript.
PS: I also feel a difference when using in developer mode. It's not just the 200ms. It just feels instant. "With production mode" I feel "a delay after the mouse click on links. (like this ms delay).
I'm confused, normally the production mode should be faster.
Maybe I need to adjust some settings on the server?
bin/magento deploy:mode:set production
, right?