I am working on a theme which is customized by someone else.

So in


is created which is called.When I click on any category or subcategory.

I want to show breadcrumbs, when user is on category/sub-category page.

echo $this->getLayout()->getBlock('breadcrumbs')->toHtml();
This will not help in my case i think.

System > Configuration > General > Web > Default Pages > Show Breadcrumbs for CMS Pages. is set to YES.


<catalog_category_default translate="label">
        <label>Catalog Category (Non-Anchor)</label>
     <reference name="content">
            <block type="catalog/category_view" name="category.products" template="catalog/category/view.phtml">
                <block type="catalog/product_list" name="product_list" template="catalog/product/list.phtml">
                <block type="catalog/product_list_toolbar" name="product_list_toolbar" template="catalog/product/list/toolbar.phtml">
                <block type="page/html_breadcrumbs" name="breadcrumbs" as="breadcrumbs"/>         <!-- Addedd -->


    <catalog_category_layered translate="label">
        <label>Catalog Category (Anchor)</label>
        <reference name="content">
            <block type="catalog/category_view" name="category.products" template="catalog/category/view.phtml">
                <block type="catalog/product_list" name="product_list" template="catalog/product/list.phtml">
                    <block type="core/text_list" name="product_list.name.after" as="name.after" />
                    <block type="core/text_list" name="product_list.after" as="after" />
                    <block type="catalog/product_list_toolbar" name="product_list_toolbar" template="catalog/product/list/toolbar.phtml">
                        <block type="page/html_breadcrumbs" name="breadcrumbs" as="breadcrumbs"/>     <!-- Addedd -->      

In page.xml

<!-- category (default) -->
    <reference name="root">
      <action method="setTemplate"><template>page/category.phtml</template></action>

In category.phtml

<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('head'); ?>
<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('after_body_start'); ?>

<!-- global messages -->
<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('global_notices'); ?>

<!-- header -->
<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('header'); ?>

<!-- content -->
<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('content'); ?>

<!-- footer -->
<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('footer'); ?>
<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('before_body_end'); ?>
<?php echo $this->getAbsoluteFooter(); ?>

Can I create dynamic breadcrumbs based on current URL in a custom module or any other method? Please suggest.

2 Answers 2


You can add breadcrumbs to your custom page using xml. Add following xml code in your theme's local.xml file.

<module_controller_action translate="label">
   <reference name="breadcrumbs"> 
      <action method="addCrumb"> <!--add breadcrumb-->
      <action method="addCrumb"> <!--add breadcrumb-->
  • how i will decide that on which category i am ,
    – inrsaurabh
    Commented Nov 14, 2017 at 6:36
  • You asked for adding breadcrumbs in your custom module that's why I posted this answer. If you are looking for category, then follow @Piyush's answer Commented Nov 14, 2017 at 6:45

For categories Just add below code in your catalog.xml for catalog_category_layered and catalog_category_default layout handle

<block type="page/html_breadcrumbs" name="breadcrumbs" as="breadcrumbs"/>

For custom pages you can follow @Dinesh's Answer

Update: Along with Dinesh's answer if you want to set name and url dynamically you can use helper method for this. for eg:-

<action method="addCrumb">
    <!-- First breadcrumbs name -->
    <name helper="yourmodule/getName"/>
    <!-- add label, title, link  -->
    <params helper="yourmodule/getHomeUrl" />

In your helper function

public function getHomeUrl()
    return array(
        "label" => $this->__('Home'),
        "title" => $this->__('Home'),
        "link" => custom_url

public function getName()
    return $name;

Add below code in category.phtml after global_notices

<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('breadcrumbs') ?></div>
  • i updated my quetion
    – inrsaurabh
    Commented Nov 14, 2017 at 6:47
  • add the given code just after <reference name="content">
    – Piyush
    Commented Nov 14, 2017 at 6:48
  • i am not on frontend/rwd/default/template/page/2columns-right.phtml
    – inrsaurabh
    Commented Nov 14, 2017 at 6:54
  • i am on frontend/rwd/default/template/page/categories.phtml
    – inrsaurabh
    Commented Nov 14, 2017 at 6:55
  • is it your custom page?
    – Piyush
    Commented Nov 14, 2017 at 6:55

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