Adding block B inside block A as child block is not working for me. Block A is a static block in cms page.

A category page display mode is : Static block only > displays block A The static block has {{block type="core/template" name="contactForm" template="contacts/form.phtml"}}.

I am trying to call a child block inside this contactForm, which is not working.

xml layout:

    <reference name="contactForm">
        <block type="core/template" name="customblock" template="amodule/customblock.phtml"/>

template: contacts/form.phtml has this code inside

<?php echo $this->getChild('customblock')?>

2 Answers 2

    <reference name="root">
        <block type="core/template" name="block1" template="path/to/template.phtml">
            <block type="core/template" name="block2" template="path/to/template.phtml" />

Now to call the:

block1 =

<?php echo $this->getBlockHtml('block1'); ?>

block2 =

<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('block2'); ?>
  • #Prince, you are completely wrong. Why would I create two new blocks which doesn't even do anything in contactForm block ?
    – rbncha
    Commented Nov 6, 2017 at 9:08

For the work workaround I have initialized the block in the contact form itself like this which works:

<?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('amodule/customblock', 'customblock', array('template' => 'amodule/customblock.phtml'))->toHtml();?>

might be helpful for you too

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