I've tried running Magento's built-in integration testing using MySQL:5.7 docker container on a different port.
php bin/magento dev:tests:run integration
Question is, how can I use a different port?
The following is my dev/tests/integration/etc/install-config-mysql.php
* Copyright © 2013-2017 Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.
* See COPYING.txt for license details.
return [
'db-host' => 'localhost',
'db-port' => '33060', // <-- this is not working
'db-user' => 'root',
'db-password' => '',
'db-name' => 'magento_integration_tests',
'db-prefix' => '',
'backend-frontname' => 'backend',
'admin-user' => \Magento\TestFramework\Bootstrap::ADMIN_NAME,
'admin-password' => \Magento\TestFramework\Bootstrap::ADMIN_PASSWORD,
'admin-email' => \Magento\TestFramework\Bootstrap::ADMIN_EMAIL,
'admin-firstname' => \Magento\TestFramework\Bootstrap::ADMIN_FIRSTNAME,
'admin-lastname' => \Magento\TestFramework\Bootstrap::ADMIN_LASTNAME,
I also tried removing 'db-port' => '33060',
and replaced 'db-host' => 'localhost',
with 'db-host' => 'localhost:33060',
and still it doesn't recognize the host.
Also, I can succesfully connect to the MySQL server using Workbench.
Anyone know how to change the port reference?