For reloading Gallery images information you need to generate backend code - new images and frontend code - javascript code.
For generating images you can create plugin like this:
<type name="Magento\Swatches\Block\Product\Renderer\Configurable">
<plugin name="Amasty_Conf::configurable" type="Amasty\Conf\Plugin\Product\Renderer\Configurable"/>
where in function
public function afterGetJsonConfig(
TypeConfigurable $subject,
) {
if ($result &&
$subject->getNameInLayout() == ''
) {
$config = $this->jsonDecoder->decode($result);
$block = $this->blockFactory->createBlock('Magento\Catalog\Block\Product\View\Gallery', '');
$config['gallery_images'] = $block->getGalleryImagesJson();
$result = $this->jsonEncoder->encode($config);
return $result;
Will add information what you need.
After we need to create Javascript file.
For example, you can override Magento js file:
var config = {
map: {
'*': {
'Magento_Swatches/js/swatch-renderer' : 'Amasty_Conf/js/swatch-renderer',
And finally add your custom code to change images:
_EventListener: function () {
var $widget = this;
$widget.element.on('click', '.' + this.options.classes.optionClass, function () {
return $widget._AmOnClick($(this), $widget);
Where in _AmOnClick you need to reload your custom gallery and run Slick initialize code.