I need to patch a Magento CE installation with [SUPEE-8967]


The downloaded file is named PATCH_SUPEE-8967_EE_1.13.1.0_v1-2017-05-02-04-21-21.sh.

That EE worries me: how can I be sure that this will work on CE too and it's not a SNAFU from the release team?

2 Answers 2


We applied the patch to the Magento CE installation on a dev enviroment with no issue, so it looks to be just a naming imperfection in the patch filename.


All Magento patches contain the SUPEE string. There's actually no way of getting Enterprise patches through the public site. You need to be a registered Enterprise user and logged in to even get access to the Enterprise patches.

  • Clearly, I was not referring to "" in "SUPEE" but to the EE part of the filename. Commented May 12, 2017 at 7:22

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