I am trying to apply catalog rule for 27% from 2 customer group but it's not applied after indexing and cleaning cache.
So i debug the issue and found that catalogrule_product_price and catalogrule_product are empty. I am using Magento ver.
Following query has been generate while apply ruel
INSERT INTO `catalogrule_product_price` SELECT NULL AS `rule_product_price_id`, `dates`.`rule_date`, `t`.`customer_group_id`, `t`.`product_id`, MIN(rule_price) AS `rule_price`, 1 AS `website_id`, `t`.`latest_start_date`, `t`.`earliest_end_date` FROM (SELECT `cppt`.`customer_group_id`, `cppt`.`product_id`, CASE WHEN IFNULL((@group_id), 'N/A') != cppt.grouped_id THEN @price := CASE `cppt`.`action_operator` WHEN 'to_percent' THEN cppt.price * cppt.action_amount/100 WHEN 'by_percent' THEN cppt.price * (1 - cppt.action_amount/100) WHEN 'to_fixed' THEN IF((cppt.action_amount < cppt.price), cppt.action_amount, cppt.price) WHEN 'by_fixed' THEN IF((0 > cppt.price - cppt.action_amount), 0, cppt.price - cppt.action_amount) END WHEN IFNULL((@group_id), 'N/A') = cppt.grouped_id AND IFNULL((@action_stop), 0) = 0 THEN @price := CASE `cppt`.`action_operator` WHEN 'to_percent' THEN @price * cppt.action_amount/100 WHEN 'by_percent' THEN @price * (1 - cppt.action_amount/100) WHEN 'to_fixed' THEN IF((cppt.action_amount < @price), cppt.action_amount, @price) WHEN 'by_fixed' THEN IF((0 > @price - cppt.action_amount), 0, @price - cppt.action_amount) END ELSE @price := @price END AS `rule_price`, `cppt`.`from_date` AS `latest_start_date`, `cppt`.`to_date` AS `earliest_end_date`, CASE WHEN IFNULL((@group_id), 'N/A') != cppt.grouped_id THEN @action_stop := cppt.action_stop WHEN IFNULL((@group_id), 'N/A') = cppt.grouped_id THEN @action_stop := IFNULL((@action_stop), 0) + cppt.action_stop END, @group_id := cppt.grouped_id, `cppt`.`from_time`, `cppt`.`to_time` FROM `catalogrule_product_price_tmp` AS `cppt` ORDER BY `cppt`.`grouped_id` ASC, `cppt`.`sort_order` ASC, `cppt`.`rule_product_id` ASC) AS `t` INNER JOIN (SELECT DATE_ADD(FROM_UNIXTIME(1494181800), INTERVAL -1 DAY) AS rule_date UNION SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(1494181800) AS rule_date UNION SELECT DATE_ADD(FROM_UNIXTIME(1494181800), INTERVAL 1 DAY) AS rule_date) AS `dates` ON 1=1 WHERE (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(dates.rule_date) >= from_time) AND (IF((to_time = 0), 1, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(dates.rule_date) <= to_time)) GROUP BY `customer_group_id`, `product_id`, `dates`.`rule_date`