I would like to use the free stripe extension from Inchoo for my magento2 store in production.
I did not yet find out how to install the needed "stripe-php" library manually? I do not want to install that module with composer, but install everything manually.

This is the extension im talking about: https://github.com/Inchoo/magento2-Inchoo_Stripe

Where do i have to place the stripe-php folder library if I install manually?
thanks alot!

2 Answers 2


If you want it manual, you need to add following in lib/internal/Stripe folder of Magento 2 root directory.


So all files and folders of above link will be under following folder.


Then those classes will be autoloaded. Then you can use that stripe classes as follows in your extension.

use Stripe\Account;
  • Thanks. Do I need to put the files in "/lib/internal/" or "/lib/internal/Stripe/"? Do I need to change something in the extensions files from Inchoo for the payment module in "app/code/Inchoo/Stripe/"?
    – N1njaWTF
    Commented Apr 28, 2017 at 6:29

It's easier to install this extension via composer, you will be able to easy extension updates and so on, and no need to manage libraries yourself.

You can do following instructions:

composer config repositories.inchoostripe git https://github.com/Inchoo/magento2-Inchoo_Stripe.git
composer require inchoo/stripe:dev-master


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