This is my layout:

<checkout_onepage_success translate="label">
        <label>One Page Checkout Success</label>
        <reference name="root">
            <action method="setTemplate"><template>page/1column.phtml</template></action>
        <reference name="content">
            <block type="core/template" name="kryd_checkout_success" template="kryd/success.phtml"/>

I want to change the core/template to access my block from my custom module. This is my block path:


This is my block content:

class KRYD_Observer_Block_Checkout_Success extends Mage_Checkout_Block_Onepage_Success


This is my block declaration from my config.xml:


If i leave the core/template I get the content from my new template file. These are what I tried:

<block type="observer/checkout_success" name="kryd_checkout_success" template="kryd/success.phtml"/>


<block type="kryd_observer/checkout_success" name="kryd_checkout_success" template="kryd/success.phtml"/>

If I leave the kryd_observer , it doesn't load any template. Smth I missed. Can you help me with this ?

1 Answer 1


Change your block declaration in your config.xml with the following:


The block namespace is case sensitive.

PS: and this code will work:

<block type="kryd_observer/checkout_success" name="kryd_checkout_success" template="kryd/success.phtml"/>

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