I what to append content in block using XML file. Please check below image

enter image description here

I have added below code but it is overtiring content. (I want to appending).

<reference name="order_items">
      <action method="addColumnRender">

I have checked core file there are creating block programmatically.

1 Answer 1


If you know the block names/aliases of both blocks you can move the block that is appearing first to display AFTER the block you want to appear first.

In this example I will call the block you want to appear first first.block, and the block you want to appear second second.block which has an alias of secondBlockAlias.

<reference name="order_items">
    <action method="unsetChild">

    <action method="insert">
  • Block is creating using this code ` $this->getLayout()->createBlock($this->_columnRenders[$column]['block'])->setTemplate($this->_columnRenders[$column]['template'])->setRenderedBlock($this);` How can I know block name? Commented Jan 7, 2017 at 6:09
  • I have added this code in config.xml file <adminhtml_sales_order_view> <reference name="order_items"><block type="adminhtml/sales_items_column_name" name="sales.order.product.customizer.info" as="salesOrderCustomizerInfo" template="productcustomizer/sales/order/view/additional-1.phtml"/><action method="unsetChild"><alias>salesOrderCustomizerInfo</alias></action><action method="insert"><block>sales.order.product.customizer.info</block><siblingName>adminhtml/sales_items_column_name</siblingName><after>1</after></action></reference> </adminhtml_sales_order_view> but it is not working Commented Jan 7, 2017 at 6:15

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