I have a sofa It is a frame + 3 cushions that we sell as a set. We have cushions in colors red green and yellow. What I want to do is Create a bundle that has Option 1 - Frame Products FRAMESKU - Qty 1 Option 2 Cushion Products Green-cushion Qty 3 Yellow-cushion qty 3 red-cushion qty 3

BUT Instead of word choices for colors, I want to show a color swatch. AND Instead of no image, I want to flip the main image based on the option chosen. So when someone chooses a green cushion, a sofa frame with green cushions shows up.

I can create a bundle without the images now (with only words, and with only the main image) - but I need to show customers the actual color of the bundle product as a swatch and if possible change the main image to match.

I want to show the thumbnails/swatches on the right block, below the price.

Why am I doing this? Because the Bundle Product allows me to ship separately and therefore lists out the components. I can then use the skus at a component level for tranfer to our accounting system (QUickbooks) as well as creating very simplified packing lists that people do not need to translate from a dynamic sku to component parts.

Is this possible? I think it should be but I would like some help. I am open to some consulting help.

Thanks very much in advance. Sam

  • Why don't you use configurable product with color swatch in this case ?
    – MageX
    Nov 30, 2016 at 4:18
  • Because in inventory control I am counting CUSHIONS and FRAMES. If there is a way to take a sku and split it into two other skus for inventory control, I could use a configurable product. In a config product the associated simple product would have to be a simple product which is a frame + cushions. This means that I have to have all permutations of colors and frames. I actually have 6 frame sizes and 27 colors.
    – samreg
    Dec 1, 2016 at 14:05
  • You can try this extension mageworx.com/magento-2-advanced-product-options-suite.html. Create Sofa as simple product with two custom option Frame and Cushions
    – MageX
    Dec 2, 2016 at 10:54
  • Good reverse logic idea. Will try and get back to you. I believe it might work for sofa, but it will not work if I put sofa in another set with another chair and coffee table. Good idea though.
    – samreg
    Dec 3, 2016 at 3:51


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