I want to create admin role and assign a user to it with only sales and catalog resources by installer is any one having idea for this.
1 Answer
Here we create admin user role programmatically by custom module installer with specific resources.
First you need to create a installer file name InstallData.php in our custom module Setup folder
complete path:
namespace ModuleNameSpace\YourModuleName\Setup;
use Magento\Framework\Setup\InstallDataInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Setup\ModuleContextInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Setup\ModuleDataSetupInterface;
/* For get RoleType and UserType for create Role */;
use Magento\Authorization\Model\Acl\Role\Group as RoleGroup;
use Magento\Authorization\Model\UserContextInterface;
/** * @codeCoverageIgnore */
class InstallData implements InstallDataInterface {
/** * RoleFactory * * @var roleFactory */
private $roleFactory;
/** * RulesFactory * * @var rulesFactory */
private $rulesFactory;
/** * Init * * @param \Magento\Authorization\Model\RoleFactory $roleFactory * @param \Magento\Authorization\Model\RulesFactory $rulesFactory */
public function __construct(
\Magento\Authorization\Model\RoleFactory $roleFactory, /* Instance of Role*/
\Magento\Authorization\Model\RulesFactory $rulesFactory /* Instance of Rule */
/*this define that which resource permitted to wich role */ ) {
$this->roleFactory = $roleFactory;
$this->rulesFactory = $rulesFactory;
/** * {@inheritdoc} * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ExcessiveMethodLength) */
public function install(
ModuleDataSetupInterface $setup,
ModuleContextInterface $context) {
/** * Create Warehouse role */
$role->setName('YourRoleName') //Set Role Name Which you want to create
->setPid(0) //set parent role id of your role
/* Now we set that which resources we allow to this role */ $resource=[
'Magento_Sales::actions_view', //you will use resource id which you want to allow
/* Array of resource ids which we want to allow this role*/
You can get resource ids from the following grep (run this in your magento root folder)
egrep -hiIro --exclude='*.php' --exclude='.bash_history' --exclude='./src/vendor/magento/magento2-base/dev/tests' --exclude='./src/dev/tests/*' '<resource ref="([A-Za-z\_]*::[A-Za-z\_]*)"' ./vendor 2> /dev/null |less
After adding these file install your custom module in your magento2 instance
then by terminal run following command in your magento2 root directory
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
Now your admin user role created you can check it from System > Permission > User Role.
Reference: Create user role programmatically using custom module installer