I want test my first self-employed magento modules on a magento shop. I created a ubuntu server
, configured local.xml
and base_url
but now I need a solution for the big media folder from livesystem.
At the moment I don't want to change product images or something else - already want to test an extension with a few layout updates in a realistic situation.
Routing media urls to live system host name don't work. I think magento check also if the file exists local and CDN typical get established via simple virtual host generally.
So setting CDN to external host doesn't work, I tried to configure a placeholder image via admin backend but when I delete cache and reload the function:
<img class="img-responsive" src="<?php echo $this->helper('catalog/image')->init($_product, 'small_image')->constrainOnly(false)->keepAspectRatio(true)->keepFrame(true)->resize($_image_resize_width,$_image_resize_height); ?>"
Seems to doesn't work. If I show in quellcode it ends on the first product image with
<img class="img-responsive" src="
without footer etc.
Anybody have an idea whats the simplest solution in this case? My preffered solution would be, that magento simple use the external url from livesystem for media images. But when I show in the Image Model/Helper
the local filesystem path for images seems deeply anchored in system.