I have created my package based on rwd
magento 1.9
. When I click on a category, say, Women I go to page
(template hints)
In the middle of this page there is a block with template hint:
and Mage_Catalog_Block_Category_View
. I want to place my module which has subcategories with images into this block. I just can't find the name of the block to insert into. In my layout file I want something like:
<reference name="????????">
<block type="women/subcategories" name="subcategoriesblock" as="subcategoriesblock" template="subcats/subcats.phtml"/>
I have used
$blocks = Mage::app()->getLayout()->getAllBlocks();
to get block names in current page and have tried and tested the various block names but nothing seems to work. Could somebody help and give some suggestion as to how I might get the name of the relevant block. All help will be greatly appreciated.