How to overcome this ? This is my class path: app/code/vendor/module/Block/Catalog/Product/List/Toolbar.php

namespace vendor\module\Block\Catalog\Product\List;

class Toolbar

How to overcome this ? This is my class path: app/code/vendor/module/Block/Catalog/Product/List/Toolbar.php

in my Toolbar.php

namespace vendor\module\Block\Catalog\Product\List;

class Toolbar {...} Since the namespace cannot end with a reserved keyword "List", im unabel to use it that way. It throws : syntax error, unexpected 'List' (T_LIST), expecting identifier (T_STRING)

How to use that the same in Magento 2

  • I cant edit the list folder as there are many dependencies in the naming conventions which i ve to change in many places. what s the other alternative
    – Sushivam
    Commented Jun 20, 2016 at 3:39

1 Answer 1


You're getting this error, because list is a reserved keyword in PHP and therefore cannot be used as the name of your class;


Rename your Block to something else and you should be fine.


namespace vendor\module\Block\Catalog\Product\MyList;

class Toolbar

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