You can rewrite the category view block and remove the breadcrumbs block if the display mode is PAGE
For this create a new module. ([Namespace]_[Module]
). Here is what you need.
- the declaration file
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Mage_Catalog />
- the configuration file
- your new block
class [Namespace]_[Module]_Block_Category_View extends Mage_Catalog_Block_Category_View {
protected function _prepareLayout() {
if ($this->isContentMode()){ //if PAGE display then remove the breadcrumbs
return parent::_prepareLayout()
If you want to control this at a theme level you can try this.
Add in your layout file of the desired theme, this xml section:
<reference name="category.products">
<action method="setCanRemoveBreadcrumbs"><param>1</param></action>
Then the block described above becomes:
class [Namespace]_[Module]_Block_Category_View extends Mage_Catalog_Block_Category_View {
protected function _prepareLayout() {
if ($this->getCanRemoveBreadcrumbs() && $this->isContentMode()){ //if PAGE display then remove the breadcrumbs
return parent::_prepareLayout()