When developing a payment fee, I want to add a surcharge fee to Pdf. I found the pdf.xml config. However, I don't know how it works. Can anyone help me to explain the config pdf xml.



        <total name="discount">
            <title translate="true">Discount</title>

UPDATE: Good explain here: Magento 2: How to Read From Configuration Tree

  • 1
    The file pdf.xml configuration is used in the Magento\Shipping\Model\Order\Pdf\Packaging Commented May 30, 2016 at 9:19

1 Answer 1


If you refer vendor\magento\module-sales\etc\pdf.xml

    <total name="subtotal">
        <title translate="true">Subtotal</title>
    <total name="discount">
        <title translate="true">Discount</title>
    <total name="shipping">
        <title translate="true">Shipping &amp; Handling</title>
    <total name="adjustment_positive">
        <title translate="true">Adjustment Refund</title>
    <total name="adjustment_negative">
        <title translate="true">Adjustment Fee</title>
    <total name="grand_total">
        <title translate="true">Grand Total</title>

In this tags, <souce_field>, it gets from the fields of sales_order table in the database.

If you see your database sales_order table, you should find discount_amount field.

Each order has the values of totals' fields including discount_amount because your discount module saved the value into the field discount_amount.

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