I have created a attribute newsale with two value New and sale with Catalog Input Type for Store Owner as dropdown and added it to a attribute set. And then I have added images into the media with same name as the added value (new.png, sale.png)

My code at frontend to call the attribute in product category page is:

<div class="product-badge"> 
           $Feature = explode(",",$_product->getResource()
            foreach($Feature as $key => $value): ?>
              <a href="<?php echo $_product->getProductUrl() ?>" ?>
                  <?php echo "<img src='".Mage::getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_MEDIA)."/wysiwyg/".trim($value).".png'/>"; ?>
            <?php endforeach; ?>

My problem here is even when I didn't select any value for this attribute at admin panel, a broken image is getting displayed.

Help me to resolve this issue.

1 Answer 1


Try below code:

<div class="product-badge"> 
           $Feature = explode(",",$_product->getResource()
            foreach($Feature as $key => $value): ?>
            <?php if($value == 'New' || $value =='sale') {?>
              <a href="<?php echo $_product->getProductUrl() ?>" ?>
                  <?php echo "<img src='".Mage::getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_MEDIA)."/wysiwyg/".trim($value).".png'/>"; ?>
             <?php } ?>
            <?php endforeach; ?>
  • Thank you so much. It worked. But only sale is displayed. New is not getting displayed when selected. kindly help
    – Ramya
    Commented May 26, 2016 at 13:06
  • check the value of new For exp : It's New Or new may be it's case sensitive
    – Arunendra
    Commented May 26, 2016 at 13:23

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