We tried to update the product price after addto cart. I done the following code but cant get the item product price.
In app/etc/modules
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Mage_Checkout />
In app/code/local/test/productoptions/etc
0.0.1 Test_Productoptions_Model
I Write the observer in app/code/local/test/productoptions/model
class Test_Productoptions_Model_Observer
public function _construct()
public function getNewPrice()
//Your new functionality here
$newprice = "";
return $newprice;
public function updatePrice( Varien_Event_Observer $observer )
$quote_item = $observer->getQuoteItem();
$product = $quote_item->getProduct();
$quantity = $product->getQty();
echo $quote_item->getPrice();
In this $quote_item->getPrice() is return null value. How to get the currently added product price from quote.