While learning "How to Add a NEW product in Magento 1.9", I came across few fields (attributes) and totally confused and 3 doubts barricaded me to move further...
What is the use of weight field in General tab of product creation form, I gone through the Megento user guide where it mentioned for weight attribute - "Enter the Weight of the product, which is used to calculate shipping".
I referred many examples and found some number are enter in weight field for example - 0.3000 or 1, I want to know which measurement unit is used for this attribute.
How I will calculate the final cost of the product, for example - Green beans with different weight in drop down 100g, 150g, 200g, 250g, 300g, 500g (Yes I added this drop down by using custom option tab). Also Qty is there suppose buyer need 1.5Kg then they may select 500g from weight and enter 3 in Qty text field. Price of item is 10.75 for 100g. And this non taxable good. So the Total price of the item is 1500g*10.75 = 161.25, Now how can I perform this calculation or where I need to setup this formula.
If in some product price varies based on weight, then shall I enter the price in custom Option Tab in front of respective weight like this -
Title* Price* Price Type* 100 g Fixed 150 g Fixed 200 g Fixed 250 g Fixed 300 g 9.00 Fixed 500 g 8.50 Fixed
Suggestion / Guidance/ Advice any thing will help me to move on step. For reference I attached 1 image of my store