I need to get the label and sort order (as defined in backend) of all the options of a custom attribute, programmatically.
I'm using this interface: Magento\Eav\Api\AttributeRepositoryInterface
This is what I tried already:
// Access to the attribute interface
$attribute = $this->_attributeRepository->get(\Magento\Catalog\Model\Product::ENTITY, 'attribute_code');
// Get an array of options
$options = $attribute->getOptions();
// Get the label and sort order of each option
foreach ($options as $option) {
var_dump($option->getLabel()); // Works OK
var_dump($option->getSortOrder()); // Always returns NULL
I have double checked and there exists a sort order, both in database and in admin area, but the getSortOrder
method always returns NULL.
Any ideas?