I'm working on an upgrade project with an older Magento site, running an old version of Apache. This version of Apache fails to set a UTF-8 character encoding. Instead, the content type header omits an encoding type
Content-Type: text/html
and the browser is left to guess the mystery meat encoding. Firefox reports it as Windows-1252
We've moved to a new web server, and this new web server is configured to send along the UTF-8 header
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
So, we're doing the right thing here, joel is happy, but there's one problem: 5+ years of data entered under mystery meat encoding means there's all sorts of special characters in the database, and when they're served as UTF-8 this happens
For those with images off, that's "Lots of munged encoding".
Are there known solutions for this sort of problem, or am I looking at a lot of manual data scrubbing and/or switching the server back to ambiguous character encoding?