once registered user click on button in view page we are creating new product and displaying that information in pop up as below
button code : [ full code : https://pastebin.com/da60SSWH ]
<button onclick="return setproductlogin(\'<?php echo
Mage::registry("current_product")->getId()?>\', event);setrequestlogin();"
id="submit-editorApply-{{rand}}">save design</button>
image url script [ full code : https://pastebin.com/19K43TyR ]
saveImageDefaultUrl : '<?php echo Mage::helper('aitcg')-
>getSecureUnsecureUrl(Mage::getUrl('aitcg/ajax/createImageDefault',array('id' =>
Mage::registry("current_product")->getId()))); ?>',
but if guest click on same button, its creating new product , but its redirecting to another page , but we want to display that message in pop up.... [ controllers : https://pastebin.com/9wsgufJX ]