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Magento - set currency when creating order programaticallyprogrammatically?

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Regards, Latheesan

Regards, Latheesan


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Magento - set currency when creating order programatically?

I have a dev magento with multi-currency enabled (GBP, EUR , USD). I am trying to create a sales order against my dev magento in Euro - however the order keeps creating in GBP (my base currency).

Any idea what I am doing wrong? Here's my code so far:


// Init Magento In Admin Store Context
require_once '/home/www-data/public_html/app/Mage.php';
$app = Mage::app()->setCurrentStore(Mage_Core_Model_App::ADMIN_STORE_ID);

// Function To Generate Magento Sales Order
function CreateOrder($orderData = array())
    // Validate Order Data
    if (!sizeof($orderData)) {
        exit('Invalid Order Data');
    $orderData = (object)$orderData;
    if (!sizeof($orderData->BasketData)) {
        exit('Sales Order Basket Cannot Be Empty');

    // Anticipate Error
        // Start New Sales Order Quote
        $quote = Mage::getModel('sales/quote')

        // Set Sales Order Quote Currency

        // Load Sales Order Customer
        $customer = Mage::getModel('customer/customer')
        // Assign Customer To Sales Order Quote

        // Configure Notification
        $quote->setSendCconfirmation($orderData->SendConfirmation ? '1' : '0');

        // Add Products To Sales Order Quote
        foreach ($orderData->BasketData as $orderLine)
            // Add Product To Sales Order Quote
                new Varien_Object(array(
                    'price' => floatval($orderLine['Price']),
                    'qty'   => intval($orderLine['Qty'])

        // Set Sales Order Billing Address
        $billingAddress = $quote->getBillingAddress()->addData(array(
            'firstname'  => $orderData->BillingAddress['Firstname'],
            'lastname'   => $orderData->BillingAddress['Lastname'],
            'company'    => $orderData->BillingAddress['Company'],
            'street'     => array($orderData->BillingAddress['AddressLine1'], $orderData->BillingAddress['AddressLine2']),
            'region_id'  => 0,
            'region'     => $orderData->BillingAddress['Region'],
            'city'       => $orderData->BillingAddress['City'],
            'postcode'   => $orderData->BillingAddress['Postcode'],
            'country_id' => getCountryId($orderData->BillingAddress['Country']),
            'telephone'  => $orderData->BillingAddress['Telephone']

        // Set Sales Order Shipping Address
        $shippingAddress = $quote->getShippingAddress()->addData(array(
            'firstname'  => $orderData->ShippingAddress['Firstname'],
            'lastname'   => $orderData->ShippingAddress['Lastname'],
            'company'    => $orderData->ShippingAddress['Company'],
            'street'     => array($orderData->ShippingAddress['AddressLine1'], $orderData->ShippingAddress['AddressLine2']),
            'region_id'  => 0,
            'region'     => $orderData->ShippingAddress['Region'],
            'city'       => $orderData->ShippingAddress['City'],
            'postcode'   => $orderData->ShippingAddress['Postcode'],
            'country_id' => getCountryId($orderData->ShippingAddress['Country']),
            'telephone'  => $orderData->ShippingAddress['Telephone']

        // Collect Rates and Set Shipping & Payment Method

        // Set Sales Order Payment
        $quote->getPayment()->importData(array('method' => $orderData->PaymentMethod));

        // Collect Totals & Save Quote

        // Create Order From Quote
        $service = Mage::getModel('sales/service_quote', $quote);
        $increment_id = $service->getOrder()->getIncrementId();

        // Resource Clean-Up
        $quote = $customer = $service = null;

        // Finished
        return $increment_id;
    catch (Exception $e)
        // Error

function getCountryId($countryName) {
    $countryId = '';
    $countryCollection = Mage::getModel('directory/country')->getCollection();
    foreach ($countryCollection as $country) {
        if ($countryName == $country->getName()) {
            $countryId = $country->getCountryId();
    $countryCollection = null;
    return $countryId;

// TEST Order Create Function
echo CreateOrder(array(
    'Currency'          => 'EUR', // Euro
    'StoreId'           => 3,     // Trade Store View
    'CustomerWebsiteId' => 2,     // Trade Website
    'CustomerId'        => 5,     // Latheesan K.
    'SendConfirmation'  => false,
    'BasketData'        => array
        array('ProductId' => 3, 'Price' => 13.00, 'Qty' => 1), // VCF001
        array('ProductId' => 6, 'Price' =>  1.00, 'Qty' => 1), // VCF002
        array('ProductId' => 8, 'Price' => 14.99, 'Qty' => 1), // VCF003
    'BillingAddress'    => array
        'Firstname'     => 'Latheesan',
        'Lastname'      => 'Kanes',
        'Company'       => 'Intelli B.I. Ltd',
        'AddressLine1'  => 'Unit 1, Eastman Road',
        'AddressLine2'  => 'Acton',
        'Region'        => '',
        'City'          => 'London',
        'Postcode'      => 'W3 7QS',
        'Country'       => 'United Kingdom',
        'Telephone'     => '0208 428 2832',
    'ShippingAddress'   => array
        'Firstname'     => 'Latheesan',
        'Lastname'      => 'Kanes',
        'Company'       => 'Intelli B.I. Ltd',
        'AddressLine1'  => 'Unit 1, Eastman Road',
        'AddressLine2'  => 'Acton',
        'Region'        => '',
        'City'          => 'London',
        'Postcode'      => 'W3 7QS',
        'Country'       => 'United Kingdom',
        'Telephone'     => '0208 428 2832',
    'ShippingMethod'    => 'flatrate_flatrate',
    'PaymentMethod'     => 'checkmo'


Also, this line isn't turning on email notification on order create:

// Configure Notification
$quote->setSendCconfirmation($orderData->SendConfirmation ? '1' : '0');

How do you enable email notification?

Regards, Latheesan