##Debug Backtrace##
Debug Backtrace
This is the good function to debug the function call in magento.
Add this function in includes/config.php or create new file and put your all common used php functions.
function back_trace($exit = true) { $call_back_methods = ''; $call_back_methods .= ''; $call_back_methods .= 'S.N.Function NameLine NumberFile Name'; $counter = 1; foreach (debug_backtrace() as $index => $data) { //if (0 == $index) continue; $call_back_methods .= '' . $counter++ . ''; $call_back_methods .= '' . $data['function'] . ''; $call_back_methods .= '' . $data['line'] . ''; $call_back_methods .= '' . $data['file'] . ''; } $call_back_methods .= ''; print $call_back_methods; if (true == $exit) exit; }
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