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Baby in Magento
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please visit this link :

if you see at left of the site , there is a "BROWSE BY", under that list of categories are displayed :

for example "Action & toy figures". if we hover on "Action & toy figures", its color should change to black

how to change hover color of the category.

let me know if you have any clarifications.

thanks in advance.

please visit this link :

if you see at left of the site , there is a "BROWSE BY", under that list of categories are displayed :

for example "Action & toy figures". if we hover on "Action & toy figures", its color should change to black

how to change hover color of the category.

let me know if you have any clarifications.

thanks in advance.

if you see at left of the site , there is a "BROWSE BY", under that list of categories are displayed :

for example "Action & toy figures". if we hover on "Action & toy figures", its color should change to black

how to change hover color of the category.

let me know if you have any clarifications.

thanks in advance.

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Baby in Magento
  • 3k
  • 16
  • 84
  • 223

change hover color of shop by categories in magento

please visit this link :

if you see at left of the site , there is a "BROWSE BY", under that list of categories are displayed :

for example "Action & toy figures". if we hover on "Action & toy figures", its color should change to black

how to change hover color of the category.

let me know if you have any clarifications.

thanks in advance.