I am looking to integrate a tracking code onto the Magento checkout success page from a company called paid on resultsPaid On Results.
However I'm not very good at PHP so I've been trying to make the snippet of code from the following two pages: http://www.paidonresults.com/integration/advance-tracking.html
And: http://www.magebuzz.com/blog/implement-paidonresults-affiliate-tracking-code-for-magento/
I see that I add the code from the second page so that I can then put the information into the URL in the following bit of code:
<script language=JavaScript src="https://secure.paidonresults.net/create-sale?client=java&MerchantID=000&SaleID=Your-Sale-ID&Purchases=Your-Purchases"></script>
<noscript><img src="https://secure.paidonresults.net/create-sale?client=img&MerchantID=000&SaleID=Your-Sale-ID&Purchases=Your-Purchases" width="10" height="10" border="0"></noscript>
So I know the merchant ID but as for the Sale ID and Purchases I'm not sure how to get these into the URL.
Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks! :).