I am creating a custom module , now wanted to add module configuration options like enable/disable options
. I found many post that shows how to create these options using system.xml
but in that way it add the option in Store -> Setting -> Configuration
Till now i am able to crate configuration section In Store -> Setting -> Configuration
as shown below.
Any one share any post or link in which i can learn how to create these options in module admin menu pages not in Configuration
I am trying to create same sections in my module page
as we have in Magento 1.9.x
in /var/www/html/magento2/app/code/CompanyName/ReviewRating/etc/adminhtml/menu.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../../../../Magento/Backend/etc/menu.xsd">
<add id="CompanyName_ReviewRating::parent" title="ReviewRating"
module="CompanyName_ReviewRating" sortOrder="100"
<add id="CompanyName_ReviewRating::index" title="ReviewRating Index"
module="CompanyName_ReviewRating" sortOrder="10"
action="reviewrating/index" resource="CompanyName_ReviewRating::index"
<add id="CompanyName_ReviewRating::CompanyName_stores" title="Magento Fox" module="CompanyName_ReviewRating" sortOrder="50" parent="Magento_Backend::stores" resource="Magefox_Example::CompanyName_stores" />