I need to import 40,000 product from xls so that reason I wrote an importer, I already did for magento 1.x but we switch our web site magento 2, I can create simple and configurable product programatically but I cant associate simple product to configurable product, This is the best documentation I followed,
Programmatically create a configurable product and assign the simple product to configurable product in Magento2 productProgrammatically create a configurable product and assign the simple product to configurable product in Magento2 product
But I stuck configurable product options always throw an error,
Call to a member function getId() on array in .../vendor/magento/module-configurable-product/Model/Plugin/AroundProductRepositorySave.php on line 109
Here is my code,
$configurableProductOptions = [
"attribute_id" => 137,
"label" => 'size',
"position" => 0,
"values" => [
"value_index" => 333,
"value_index" => 334,
$productExtensionFactory= $objectManager->create('\Magento\Catalog\Api\Data\ProductExtensionFactory');
$productExtension = $productExtensionFactory->create();
$productRepository = $objectManager->create(Magento\Catalog\Api\ProductRepositoryInterface::class);
I m totaly sure something wrong in '$configurableProductOptions' tried almost everything but didnt succeed any ideas or anyone can share code to associate simple product as a configurable I can figured out from that code.