I created a category with the name blog, now I want to open my Wordpress blog(Fishpig Wordpress extension) in Magento shop.

I tried to change the category url to the Wordpress blog url but it will just open a blank site instead of my blog.

I want: If I click on the category link , it will open my wordpress blog. What can I do?

  • 3
    You can use the "external URL" feature of the free FlexCms extension to add arbitrary links to the category tree: github.com/magento-hackathon/FireGento_FlexCms Sep 8, 2015 at 21:11
  • Thank you for the comment. The descriptions looks very good! But how do I install it manual? I download the zip folder and unzip it and copied it to the installation folder of my other extension - but it seems like nothing happend. Sep 8, 2015 at 21:59
  • Ok I already found a solution, ty Sep 9, 2015 at 0:37

1 Answer 1


Ok I found a good way how to solve this problem:

  • In magento, click on Catalog -> Manage Categories
  • Click on the root category that you wants to create and click on ‘Add Subcategory’ button
  • Enter the name of the catagory. e.g. Blog and mark Is Active = Yes
  • Once created, take note of the ID that is assigned to this category

  • Click on Catalog -> URL Rewrite Management
  • Find and click on the entry of the category which you have just created.

  • Set Redirect = permanent (301) and save

  • Go back to URL Rewrite Management
  • Create a new entry. Create URL Rewrite = Custom
  • Type in ID path = any name. e.g. myblog

  • Request Path = the category ID which you have just copied
  • Target Path = the path you want to redirect.
  • Redirect = Permanent
  • Save this custom URL rewrite entry and clear your index by going to System -> Index Management -> Select All and click submit (Actions = Reindex Data)
  • Basically, what we have done so far is to mark category URL rewrite as permanent and then create a new URL rewrite that redirect the system(raw) URL to the one you intended to.

    • Hi Helloworld, welcome to Magento SE. Thought the link in your answer resolved your issue, putting that link only in your answer makes your answer "weak". Your answer will not have any relevance if that link become passive. So please provide a short description about what is that link is talking about and how it is helped you to resolve your issue. Sep 9, 2015 at 1:18
    • Hello @RajeevKTomy, thank you for the nice comment. You got a good point there. I hope my answer is now more helpfull, Sep 9, 2015 at 14:58

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