I am working on this file:


I have products with long names. For Example product name is:

loonggggg producttttt nameeeee

I want it like this on the Invoice:

longggggg produc...

Can this be done?

1 Answer 1


Yes it is possible.

Try this way:

$this->helper('core/string')->truncate($product->getName(), 65,'...', $_reminder, false);

Here $product is an object and 65 is letter count. You can try with increasing/decreasing it as per your need.

Hope this helps.

Ref: Take a look at this file/function


public function truncate($string, $length = 80, $etc = '...', &$remainder = '', $breakWords = true)
        $remainder = '';
        if (0 == $length) {
            return '';

        $originalLength = $this->strlen($string);
        if ($originalLength > $length) {
            $length -= $this->strlen($etc);
            if ($length <= 0) {
                return '';
            $preparedString = $string;
            $preparedlength = $length;
            if (!$breakWords) {
                $preparedString = preg_replace('/\s+?(\S+)?$/u', '', $this->substr($string, 0, $length + 1));
                $preparedlength = $this->strlen($preparedString);
            $remainder = $this->substr($string, $preparedlength, $originalLength);
            return $this->substr($preparedString, 0, $length) . $etc;

        return $string;

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