I am trying to add some config settings under Magento configuration and I had success with my module and a bit of XML code in system.xml but the problem is it is displaying only one field though I have defined four fields - it's just showing the last one, the sort_order for each input is defined as well.

Here is my system.xml file.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <mgconf translate="label">
            <label>Magegurus SMTP E-Mail</label>
        <mgsmtp translate="label" module="adminhtml">
            <label>Magegurus SMTP E-Mail</label>
                <general translate="label comment">
                        <text_field translate="label comment">
                            <label>Host Name</label>
                            <comment>Your SMTP host name here.</comment>
                        <text_field translate="label comment">
                            <comment>Your SMTP port here.</comment>

                        <text_field translate="label comment">
                            <comment>Your SMTP username here.</comment>

                        <text_field translate="label comment">
                            <comment>Your SMTP password here.</comment>

The config is only showing last fields the Password. Any idea what is wrong?

1 Answer 1


This happens because all the fields have the tag text_field. Name them differently and they should appear. I mean something like:

                    <text_field translate="label comment">
                        <label>Host Name</label>
                        <comment>Your SMTP host name here.</comment>
                    <text_field2 translate="label comment">
                        <comment>Your SMTP port here.</comment>
  • Thanks .. i thought text_field is for displaying text box.
    – Ravi Soni
    May 24, 2013 at 13:09
  • 1
    no. In your case 'text_field' is the identifier of the field. You will later get the value like this: Mage::getStoreConfig('mgsmtp/general/text_field'). The type of the input is given by the tag <frontend_type>.
    – Marius
    May 24, 2013 at 13:17
  • Hey..Thanks for your explanation. Any idea on how can i call some controller via ajax using system config.
    – Ravi Soni
    May 24, 2013 at 13:24
  • 2
    I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Anyway, I don't think is related to this question. Post an other question with some additional details about your issue.
    – Marius
    May 24, 2013 at 13:25

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