I see a post here from 2017 that gives an idea of how it's done, but I would want to use something like this that would allow people to sign their names on forms.

I know how to create html/js uicomponents, and include them in phtml files, but I don't know how to call functions from 3rd party libraries in those components. Any ideas on how this might be done?


  • what you are trying to achive? Aug 1, 2020 at 12:56
  • I'm trying to add a customer signature drawing option to some forms. I have no idea how to include this in a Magento 2 project, and call the functions github.com/szimek/signature_pad
    – web master
    Aug 2, 2020 at 1:57

1 Answer 1


Yes, You can use the npm package in Magento 2. I used the npm package in my custom extension.

Please check this answer: Is there a some solution to use npm packages within a Magento 2 module?


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