I have to update attribute "search_sku". I have to update this attribute using sku. I have do this job using mysql. But I am not getting that how can I get this query?

Please help me. Thanks in advanced!

  • 1
    I am not sure what you are asking here. Have you a custom product attribute called "search_sku"? What is it used for? Why do you need it updating and is this a one off update or does it need to up regular? Commented Oct 4, 2013 at 14:15

1 Answer 1


 * Get the resource model
$resource = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource');

 * Retrieve the write connection
$writeConnection = $resource->getConnection('core_write');

 * Retrieve our table name
$table = $resource->getTableName('catalog/product');

 * Set the product ID
$productId = 44;

 * Set the new SKU
 * It is assumed that you are hard coding the new SKU in
 * If the input is not dynamic, consider using the
 * Varien_Db_Select object to insert data
$newSku = 'new-sku';

$query = "UPDATE {$table} SET sku = '{$newSku}' WHERE entity_id = "
         . (int)$productId;

 * Execute the query

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