I have been trying to apply some Magento patches via SSH (SUPEE-5344 and SUPEE-1533) from the Magento Community Edition download page (https://www.magentocommerce.com/products/downloads/magento/)

I am running in a SSH session:

sh PATCH_SUPEE-1533_EE_1.13.x_v1-2015-02-10-08-18-32.sh

but keep getting the following error:

Error! Some required system tools, that are utilized in this sh script, are not installed: Tool(s) "patch" is(are) missed, please install it(them).

I have tried applying earlier patches but receive the same error message. How do I resolve this to apply the patches?

  • Is solve your issue?
    – user51361
    Jun 6, 2017 at 7:15
  • @Rathinam yes see my answer bellow
    – SR_Magento
    Jun 6, 2017 at 9:58
  • How can i install patch package
    – user51361
    Jun 6, 2017 at 10:01
  • I am getting error when i run code : sh patchname.sh
    – user51361
    Jun 6, 2017 at 10:03
  • $ sh xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.sh Error! Some required system tools, that are utilized in this sh script, are not installed: Tool(s) "patch" is(are) missed, please install it(them).
    – user51361
    Jun 6, 2017 at 10:04

2 Answers 2


The solution is to install the patch package:

yum install patch

or zypper install patch for OpenSUSE LINUX.

Then run sh the patch file:

sh PATCH_SUPEE-1533_EE_1.13.x_v1-2015-02-10-08-18-32.sh

Checking if patch can be applied/reverted successfully... Patch was applied/reverted successfully.

Repeat for all missing patches.

Note: I provided this as I spent quite a bit of time on this before realizing that the error being thrown wasn't for a previous patch but for the patch package itself.

  • 1
    For Linux and Macintosh, ie *nix systems since Magento is a *nix native program. For Windows users, a Linux tools environment like Cygwin or individual Gnu tools for Windows will need to be installed. Bit of an extra ride involved there. Apr 22, 2015 at 3:51

I found a possible solution for those who have no SSH access, or having difficulties using sh command to apply for the patch: (community edition)

With the successful update on the local machine, find the 5 files on your local machine which have the updates:






upload these files to your server using FTP, and patches are done!

To me, this is a safer option to apply for the patches.

Pls correct me if I am wrong!


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