I'm trying to install this module (magento/module-sample-scss) in Magento 2 with composer as described here, but with no success.

If I run this from the Magento root folder:

$ composer require magento/module-sample-scss

I get this error:

Could not find package magento/module-sample-scss at any version for your minimum-stability (alpha). Check the package spelling or your minimum-stability

What am I doing wrong? Any help is really appreciated.


I tried with "minimum-stability": "dev" => Same error.

I tried to run composer update: it normally works and it say Nothing to install or update. But I get the same error when I try to install the module.


1 Answer 1


Looks like there is an issue with installing such modules with composer: https://github.com/magento/magento2-samples/issues/73

So I ended up to follow these steps to install the module:

  1. Download the module as a .zip or with git clone
  2. Under /app/code, create the directory Magento/SampleScss (the name of the directory must match the value of the module's /etc/module.xml).
  3. Copy the contents of the module to that directory.
  4. Add to composer any additional libs required by the module (take a look to the module's composer.json): composer require leafo/scssphp:0.0.12
  5. Run composer update
  6. Enable the module php /bin/magento module:enable Magento_SampleScss
  7. Run php /bin/magento setup:upgrade

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