I'm working on a new extension which has the need for some user defined key-value pairs. In the system config area of the admin panel the user will need to enter several values such as:

"some/relative/path" -> "some external uri"
"some/relative/path" -> "some external uri"
"some/relative/path" -> "some external uri"

In the admin panel I'd like to present the user with two side-by-side text boxes, with validation that requires entries in both boxes to submit.

Is there an existing model that has that functionality?

  • 1
    Are you building your own form or using the system.xml? Do you want client or server sided validation? This does sound like a view related task, not something which is to be solved by the choice of a model. Oct 13, 2014 at 13:52
  • I'm looking for a system.xml implementation in the admin panel--validation can be server side. Basically I'm looking for an example of a single system config entry which requires multiple fields.
    – STW
    Oct 13, 2014 at 13:58

1 Answer 1

<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <something translate="label" module="mname">
        <some translate="label" module="mname">
            <label>first section</label>
            <tab>your tab</tab>
                <relative translate="label, comment">
                    <label>first group</label>
                            <label>first field</label>
                            <label>second field</label>
                            <label>third and last field</label>             

this will create keys some/relative/path1, some/relative/path2 and some/relative/path3 with user values in core_config_data.

It can be used elsewhere in the code with :

$configValue = Mage::getStoreConfig('some/relative/path1');

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